Long Url for custom controller taking too much time to load, Nopcommerce 4.5

2 mesi tempo fa
Please visit below link for complete details:

2 mesi tempo fa
No problem with this link

I think I am reading you have made customisations ?
Have you checked in the debugger where the problem might be ?

Do you have any other non standard pluings installed ?

2 mesi tempo fa
I don't have problem with those links as well they work fine. The problem is when the links are :


I add redirect 301 to change those long to small but that did not work because it never enters the middleware, so finally sorted it by using IIS URL Rewrite module and it redirects them to shorter URLS.
2 mesi tempo fa
Like this one

Dont know what you are doing differently ?
2 mesi tempo fa
Does the rules below have anything to do with this, but if they did it would act on all URL not just long ones?


       name: "CustomCategoryRoute",
       pattern: $"{lang}/carparts/{{categorySlug}}/{{make}}/{{model}}/{{vehicle}}/{{makeID}}-{{modelID}}-{{ktype}}",
       defaults: new { controller = "Catalog", action = "Category"}

    name: "SpecificCategoriesRoute",
    pattern: $"{lang}/carparts/{{categorySlug}}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Catalog", action = "Category" },
    constraints: new { categorySlug = endpointRouteBuilder.ServiceProvider.GetService<CategoryConstraint>() } // Custom constraint for allowed categories

endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute(name: "MakeModelVariant",
     pattern: $"{lang}/carparts/{{term}}/{{make}}/{{model}}/{{vehicle}}",
     defaults: new { controller = "MakeModelVariant", action = "Index", term = "", make = "", model = "", vehicle = "" });
2 mesi tempo fa
I am using a simpler form maybe it is the constraints option you are using ?

            urlPattern = "accommodation" + "/{SeName}";
            endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute("Nop.Plugin.Apollo.Front.Accommodation", urlPattern,
                new { controller = "Apollo", action = "AccommodationFront" });

Do you restart the app after make changes to the MapControllerRoute parameters ?
2 mesi tempo fa
It acts same on local host and live and have restarted app many times. I trimmed down the urls to max 32 characters after /carparts/ and every url works instantly. Strange but that is how it is.