Product attributes - Feature request

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We have a product that requires the customer to agree to three agreements before purchasing.

I have setup product attributes on the product and get the three rows with checkboxes. This part works great.

The problem is that I need the descriptions to support a link to each agreement but currently NopCommerce does not process the html. Instead of getting a link on each document I get the following.

[] I Agree to the membership <a href="#">Policies & Procedures</a>

2 settimane tempo fa
It worked fine for me.  Be sure to use the toolbar's Insert > Link.

The only thing I noticed (with the default theme), is the the link style is not underlined/blue like other links in the site.  This is the underlying html:
<div class="attribute-description"><p>Agreement link here <a title="See Agreement" href="https://localhost:5001/about-us">See Agreement</a></p></div>

If you have the same problem, you'll need to adjust your stylesheet by adding something like this:

.attribute-description a {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: underline;