AspDotNetStorefront to nopCommerce Data Migration

3 个月 前
I have a v10.0.26 AspDotNetStorefront site and would like to get as much data moved over to nopCommerce 4.60.5 as possible. Products, variants, customers, addresses, orders, et al.

I already have the categories migrated and would continue writing the scripts but I don't want to screw anything up as I am new to nopCommerce.

If you have done this before, please shoot me a quote.


UPDATE: I am no longer in search of this service but want to thank those who replied. Thank you!
3 个月 前
You can use this plugin to save a bunch of time and effort

Note: You can do products but variants only to the extent that standard nopCommerce does product imports i.e. the import does not create new variants only links existing

3 个月 前
awoomer wrote:
please shoot me a quote.

Hi ,
I would like to review once your existing database.
Please connect further, If interested

eMail: [email protected]

3 个月 前
Hello there

I have expertise in building custom extensions and would be glad to assist you with the work.

Please get in touch with the contact details for further discussion of the work.

Email: jack(at)technogiq(dot)com
Skype: live:.cid.a0f06a69cf1c6478

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Jack Smith
3 个月 前

Please check the PM for the same.
As we have great experience in it. We are with nopCommerce since years.

2 周 前

We are from Citytech Software, the nopCommerce Gold partner. We are specialists in AspDotNetStoreFront to nopCommerce migration. We were the AspDotNetStoreFront partner before, so are well aware of the architecture,  we can do any complex migration from AspDotNetStoreFront.

Ritwik Das
Email: [email protected]