Installation using Azure marketplace

1 个月 前
I am not sure whether it is a glitch, but I have tried to install nopCommerce directly from Azure Marketplace (Azure Application by Nop Solutions, Ltd) and I am always getting a conflict error when installing in UK south or UK west or West Europe.

I have managed to install it to North Europe, but I am now struggling with the webapp setup, since it does not like any info I add for the database connection string (should that not auto populate), even entering a raw connection string with something similar to
Server=tcp:{mydbname},1433;Initial Catalog={mydbname};Persist Security Info=False;User ID={myusername};Password={your_password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;

I get the error `Setup failed: Database does not exist or you don't have permissions to connect to it`

any help appreciated.

1 个月 前
You need to have the connection string correct of that is the error you will get
AS a test can you connect to the Server and any Database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) then try and use that similar string ?
1 个月 前
See this topic.

I.e., You may be able to connect with SSMS, but not with your app if you don't set up the security properly.
1 个月 前
Thanks. I used the "Service Connector" wizard as suggested in the linked post which correctly generated a usable connection string, and more importantly, setup the firewall for the DB instance.
1 个月 前
New York wrote:
See this topic. geometry dash world

I.e., You may be able to connect with SSMS, but not with your app if you don't set up the security properly.

Thanks, I have used the "Service Connector" according to the instructions.
1 个月 前
iliken wrote:
See this topic. meaning

I.e., You may be able to connect with SSMS, but not with your app if you don't set up the security properly.
Thanks, I have used the "Service Connector" according to the instructions.

Same here. I also disabled the (Avast) firewall. Perhaps it was what solved this!
3 周 前
New York wrote:
See this topic. Hello Neighbor

I.e., You may be able to connect with SSMS, but not with your app if you don't set up the security properly.

I have used the "Service Connector" according to the instructions.