Learning MVC

1 个月 前
Hi and thanks for reading,

I do have some programming experience, but I'll be honest, the bulk of it is in SQL. There's a spattering of other languages, but I find myself getting lost in both NOP and a few of the other projects I am involved with.

I am looking for training that, for lack of a better description, would be pre-NopCommerce MVC training. I see tons of things out there on MVC, like Udemy, Pluralsite, etc... I can pick one and go, but I thought I'd ask here if an experienced developer has an opinion of a course that would be most helpful for an inexperienced MVCer.

I hope it's not a stupid question 8P

Thank you sincerely for your time.

1 个月 前
Hi Jorges
Personally, I used to find Scott Allen's course very detailed and properly explained. Sadly he has passed away RIP but you can still check his .Net core course and MVC fundamentals course even though those may be slightly outdated.

You could also check the Microsoft documentation (I personally find these little too vague for my liking)

Additionally, NopCommerce has a specific training course designed if you already have some understanding of the .Net core basics. This could be very useful for people getting started with NopC