Potu Shop: reward points system for an online marketplace

Potu Shop: reward points system for an online marketplace
统计 #1
1500+ products
统计 #2
300 vendors
统计 #3
53,000 live customers


Potu Shop is an online marketplace, selling different goods - from home supplies and electronics to food and medical essentials for men and women. It offers more than 1500 products from 300 different vendors. They needed a website that could provide customers not only with usual forms of payment but also with reward points system.


The client decided to choose nopCommerce for this project due to its rich built-in functionality, as multi-vendor, reward points, promotions, and other sales and marketing tools. He managed to install and set up basic nopCommerce store locally by himself, but when he realized that project required some customization, the client appealed to nopCommerce Solution partner, NCode Technologies.

The whole work should be arranged around the reward points, as it was the main client’s requirement. First, the store owner wanted to create 2 different categories for Potu reward points: shopping points and delivery points. These two categories of rewards points should be used independently of each other: shopping points could be used only for purchasing products and delivery points could be spent only for shipping.

The second requirement was to set up Potu reward points in accordance with product or category. Each product or particular category should be rewarded with its own number of points, specified by either vendor or admin.

Finally, the client wanted to give reward points after entering the promo code. Points should be provided separately for Potu product rewards and Potu shipping rewards.


NCode was working with the existing nopCommerce functionality as reward points. To meet the project requirements they started from dividing reward points on two different categories.

The first was product reward points, using for purchasing products. Each category and product in the store had a limited number of reward points available to use, so the customer couldn’t spend more Potu points than the system allowed. The second was delivery points, used only for shipping. So that customers be able to monitor the total number or Potu points, NCode created a custom tab in customer account.

Customer account

To let users receive reward points for using promo codes, NCode team has customized promo code feature. User receives the specific number of Potu points for entering a valid promo code. The admin or store manager can set up how many points will user get, and also specify the category of points (product or delivery) for this promo code.

It was also important to make the delivery monitoring available for users. Using a special pin code customers can check the delivery and COD (cash on delivery) availability statuses. Store administrator can set available pin codes and establish if delivery and COD are available for that pin code.

For example: if delivery is not available for particular pin code then the user is not able to place an order. If the pin code is allowed for delivery but not allowed to COD (Cash on Delivery) then the user also cannot place an order with COD (Cash on Delivery) payment for that particular pin code address. Such complicated system helped Potu shop to automate process of checking the delivery availability for placed orders and reduce time for customer service.


The website was successfully launched in 2018. With the help of the nopCommerce multi-vendor feature now Potu Shop allows vendors to sell their products to thousands of customers using this marketplace.

Synchronization of reward points with products and categories allowed Potu shop provide its customers with new shopping experience. Potu shop store owner, Mehul Shah highlights: “The in-built and customized features of nopCommerce gave sumptuous results that were beyond my expectations”.

Potu Shop now has more than 1500+ products, sold by over 300 vendors. The website has 53,000 live customers, and the number is still growing. The future goal of the Potu shop is to provide more than 10000+ products covering all the major categories.

NCode Technologies Inc is one of the leading Software & eCommerce Store Development Companies from India, serving over 70+ countries having 1200+ happy clients around the world. They have a proficient team of developers who help to build the ideas into qualitative solutions with 100% satisfaction and perfection.