nopCommerce 4.60 is released

5 months ago
I'm gradually becoming disillusioned with the program. I installed version 4.60.5 on Windows Server 2022 in AWS and even bought the Pacific theme, but several times a day I regularly receive the error: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." I've reviewed forums on this topic, but nothing helps. Please, I would be grateful if you could explain why this error occurs and how to get a stable working system. How much memory does it use? Could this instability be related to Windows? Maybe it makes sense to switch to a Linux-based hosting? I need help resolving this issue. Are there any stable stores running on nopCommerce? If so, please send me the links, as I'm quite desperate.
5 months ago
What is the total RAM for your instance?
Are you running SQL Server on the same instance?
Adjust your IIS Application Pool for at least 1 GB RAM. (and recycle the pool)
4 months ago
I'am working with new feature in searching bar
to make search using description or title in addition to search at least 1 character
can any one provide  me with some info and details to work on it.
4 months ago
khalilsamra wrote:
... new feature in searching bar ...

(This topic is a "News and Announcements".  Please create a new topic in the Development forum, and there, clarify your requirements - "title" = product name?  Short description?  Long description?)
3 months ago

Dear community! We've released a new version - 4.60.6. This is a minor release that is fully compatible with the previous versions (4.60.0-4.60.5). So all third-party plugins for 4.60 work for all minor versions (4.60.0-4.60.6).

It contains several bug fixes. The full list of changes in the new version is available in release notes.

Please download the new version here.
3 months ago
Can someone tell me what the latest versions of Windows Server OS and MS SQL Server that nopCommerce 4.6.x supports? Thanks!
3 months ago wrote:
Can someone tell me what the latest versions of Windows Server OS and MS SQL Server that nopCommerce 4.6.x supports? Thanks!

I can suggest to go with Windows Server 2022 and SQL server 2022.