Re-Payment (Retry Payment) Plugin by nopCypher

7 months ago
We are excited to announce the release of the Re-Payment (Retry Payment) Plugin for nopCommerce! This plugin allows customers to retry their payment with a different payment method if their original payment fails during the checkout process. This feature can help to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction by reducing the number of abandoned carts.

=> Allows customers to retry their payment with a different payment method if their original payment fails during hosted/redirect checkout.
=> Supports retrying payments for orders placed using the selected Standard/Button payment method, such as Cash on Delivery, PO Order, Cheque, or Money Order.
=> Easy to use for both customers and store owners.
Configurable by store owners to select which Standard/Button payment methods are available for retries.

=> Increase sales by making it easier for customers to complete their purchases.
=> Improve customer satisfaction by reducing the number of abandoned carts.
=> Reduce workload for store owners by eliminating the need to manually refund and re-process orders with failed payments.

Special Offer:
For a limited time, we are offering a 20% discount on the Re-Payment (Retry Payment) Plugin! Use the code REPAYMENT20 at checkout to save.

Get started today and see the benefits of the Re-Payment (Retry Payment) Plugin for nopCommerce!

Check demo here

See here how it work at
7 months ago
It can so helpful  , while payment fail so we can easily retry and complete the pending order payment
Great work nopCypher Team
7 months ago
Nice and very useful plugin. Well done Raju, thanks for sharing.
7 months ago
One of out of the box functionality.

Team efforts Kudos :-)