What VPS parameters are the best for nopCommerce website in 2024?

5 months ago
i want to try one more time a newer version
hope it will be with any other stupid bugs like in version 4.60.2
i think it will be good for nopcommerce to highlite immediately all bugs existing in versions, so users see it and avoid installing buggy thing. now i am very very very disappointed with version 4.60.2 and cannot upgrade it and no one is going to help you in this forum. there are a bunch of "developers" here, they read your posts, but keep silent...

i want to buy new clean vps and try nopcommerce one more time,
that's why i have following questions for running new installation

1. linux VS windows: which one is preferable for nopcommerce website?

2. linux makes nopcommerce website faster (if same parameters)?

3. windows makes nopcommerce website faster (if same parameters)?

4. what database is the best for nopcommerce website MySQL or MSSQL? which one will be faster for nopcommerce website?

5. if i get windows vps which server type is the most preferable in 2024 and why?
     — Windows Server 2022
     — Windows Server 2019
     — Windows Server 2016
     — Windows Server 2012 R2
     — Windows Server Core 2022

6. what CPU type is the best for nopcommerce website?
     — 2.2 GHz
     — 3.4 GHz
7. what disk type is the best for nopcommerce website?
     — HDD
     — SSD
     — NVMe

8. what OS is the best for nopcommerce website (if i choose Linux)?
     — Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
     — Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
     — Debian 12
     — Debian 11
     — Debian 10
     — Debian 9
     — CentOS Stream 9
     — CentOS 7

9. what version of MSSQL Server is the best for nopcommerce website (if i choose Windows VPS)?
     — SQL Server 2008
     — SQL Server 2008 R2
     — SQL Server 2012
     — SQL Server 2014
     — SQL Server 2016
     — SQL Server 2017
     — SQL Server 2019
     — SQL Server 2022
10. which nopcommerce version has the least amount of bugs?

please, give me answers to these questions

thanks you ahead of time
5 months ago
Please clarify "buy new clean vps".  Are you using a hosting service, or setting up your own PC server on premises?
5 months ago
New York wrote:
Please clarify "buy new clean vps".  Are you using a hosting service, or setting up your own PC server on premises?

VPS, not shared hosting

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server

i am asking because i will configure my server parameters before payment
5 months ago
The release notes show the bugs that have been fixed

My recommendation is nopC on Windows / SQL Server.  It's been around the longest and probably has the most installations.
Use the latest version of nopCommerce.  Bugs have been fixed and latest / new features.
That's not to say that other bugs won't show up, but only the latest versions will get future bug fixes.

Use the latest version of Windows.  (Bugs have been fixed and latest / new features. ... ;)

"faster" is relative.  All things being equal, if you can afford it then sure get the fastest CPU, most memory, SSD, etc.  But generally, things are not "equal".  Maybe you need a CDN.  Maybe you should put the DB on a separate server (which is generally recommended by MS).  Maybe your images are too big. Maybe you forgot and released in debug mode.  Etc.  I.e., there are other considerations for improving performance of an ASP.NET application vs. just looking at hardware.

(Consider... Do you really want to / need to deal with infrastructure?  There are hosts that offer "semi-dedicated" shared hosting.  They limit # of customers on a server.  They have separate PC for the SQL server.   As an example is SmarterASP.NET semi-dedicated.  They have a one-click installer that will set up nopCommerce, including the DB on a separate server.  And, there is a 60 Days money back guarantee - FULL money back if you pay 1 year or more.)
5 months ago
I am still looking for answers to my questions. Please, someone, answer my questions one by one. Thanks.
5 months ago
New York wrote:
The release notes show the bugs that have been fixed

My recommendation is nopC on Windows / SQL Server.  It's been around the longest and probably has the most installations.
Use the latest version of nopCommerce.  Bugs have been fixed and latest / new features.
That's not to say that other bugs won't show up, but only the latest versions will get future bug fixes.

Use the latest version of Windows.  (Bugs have been fixed and latest / new features. ... ;)

"faster" is relative.  All things being equal, if you can afford it then sure get the fastest CPU, most memory, SSD, etc.  But generally, things are not "equal".  Maybe you need a CDN.  Maybe you should put the DB on a separate server (which is generally recommended by MS).  Maybe your images are too big. Maybe you forgot and released in debug mode.  Etc.  I.e., there are other considerations for improving performance of an ASP.NET application vs. just looking at hardware.

(Consider... Do you really want to / need to deal with infrastructure?  There are hosts that offer "semi-dedicated" shared hosting.  They limit # of customers on a server.  They have separate PC for the SQL server.   As an example is SmarterASP.NET semi-dedicated.  They have a one-click installer that will set up nopCommerce, including the DB on a separate server.  And, there is a 60 Days money back guarantee - FULL money back if you pay 1 year or more.)

You really recommend using Shared Hosting for nopCommerce? Did you see the nopCommerce requirements and SmarterASP.NET limits? It is very funny.
5 months ago
Yes, the semi-dedicated shared hosting is good unless you KNOW that you need more performance.

Yes, I am aware of the nopCommerce technology requirements.
They primarily pertain to the operating system, web server, and database rather than specific memory or CPU speed requirements.

SmarterASP's least expensive semi plan has Isolated Application Pool 3 GB.  Their ultimate plan has 12 GB.
MS-SQL Space 10 GB up to 30 GB (and SQL Server is hosted on a separate server)
SSDs on both web and DB server
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email - Server / Accounts / Storage 10 GB
1 Click Installer for nopCommerce (so, you know it will work ;)
Automatic Data Backup

5 months ago
New York wrote:
Yes, the semi-dedicated shared hosting is good unless you KNOW that you need more performance.

Yes, I am aware of the nopCommerce technology requirements.
They primarily pertain to the operating system, web server, and database rather than specific memory or CPU speed requirements.

SmarterASP's least expensive semi plan has Isolated Application Pool 3 GB.  Their ultimate plan has 12 GB.
MS-SQL Space 10 GB up to 30 GB (and SQL Server is hosted on a separate server)
SSDs on both web and DB server
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email - Server / Accounts / Storage 10 GB
1 Click Installer for nopCommerce (so, you know it will work ;)
Automatic Data Backup

I have read feedbacks about this SmarterASP.net hosting-provider and it sounds to be THE WORST hosting ever, espeacially for nopCommerce it doesn't fit. You have to study feedbacks.

They cheat people. They don't show their real limits at first, a user will be aware of those tricky limits only after he has configured his store and will be SHOCKED.

Just check it. SmarterASP.net will never fit needs of nopCommerce, read technical requirement of nopCommerce
5 months ago
1. linux VS windows: which one is preferable for nopcommerce website?

2. linux makes nopcommerce website faster (if same parameters)?

3. windows makes nopcommerce website faster (if same parameters)?

4. what database is the best for nopcommerce website MySQL or MSSQL? which one will be faster for nopcommerce website?

5. if i get windows vps which server type is the most preferable in 2024 and why?
     — Windows Server 2022
     — Windows Server 2019
     — Windows Server 2016
     — Windows Server 2012 R2
     — Windows Server Core 2022

6. what CPU type is the best for nopcommerce website?
     — 2.2 GHz
     — 3.4 GHz
7. what disk type is the best for nopcommerce website?
     — HDD
     — SSD
     — NVMe

8. what OS is the best for nopcommerce website (if i choose Linux)?
     — Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
     — Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
     — Debian 12
     — Debian 11
     — Debian 10
     — Debian 9
     — CentOS Stream 9
     — CentOS 7

9. what version of MSSQL Server is the best for nopcommerce website (if i choose Windows VPS)?
     — SQL Server 2008
     — SQL Server 2008 R2
     — SQL Server 2012
     — SQL Server 2014
     — SQL Server 2016
     — SQL Server 2017
     — SQL Server 2019
     — SQL Server 2022
10. which nopcommerce version has the least amount of bugs?

please, give me answers to these questions

thanks you ahead of time
5 months ago
To answer your questions,

1, 2, 3, 8. Have almost none experience in setting up and running dotnet in Linux environment so far so I prefer windows servers to host and run any dotnet application. Haven't seen performance comparison between running nopCommerce on Windows vs Linux but all of our client's websites are fast enough with almost 80+ google page speed ranks even in case of complex pages and 90+ in most cases.

4. Of course, MS-SQL is faster compared to MySQL for large production databases and there's one more reason, MS-SQL runs perfectly on Microsoft eco-system. Moreover, if you have a large catalog or complex search requirements, you cannot rely only on any RDBMS storage for website speed. You have to use something like Lucene or Sphinx.

5. Anything above Windows server 2019 because we have observed that the newer dotnet versions, specially post dotnet 5 doesn't perform very good on windows server 2016 or earlier versions.

6. Both are good, but when using 2.2 you just need minimum 4 core CPU when running under 5000 products with 100 live sessions or around 8 core CPU if you are somewhere between 10000 - 25000 products with 500-800 sessions. You can increase CPU as needed. While 3.4 could make 20-30% difference.

7. I strongly suggest and prefer using NVMe. HDD is probably out of picture now-a-days and SSD will be almost half performing in a real environment.

9. Always choose latest. SQL Server 2022 in this case.

10. Of course, 4.60.5 is the best one if I talk from new dotnet family but if you are looking for something from dotnet framework then go for nopCommerce 3.90 but it's almost 6 years old.

Moreover, you forgot asking about RAM which is very crucial when talking about nopCommerce or any eCommerce platform because all of these applications uses a lot of caching to serve a lot of content. Even if you use Redis cache, or server memory cache, you need RAM. Please consider at least 12 GB RAM for approx 10000 products with 100-500 live sessions.

BTW, I usually buy VPS from Contabo and choose best suitable configurations based on my past experience with over 800 nopCommerce projects so far :) I hope this helps.

Best regards,