Language Duplication Issue During nopCommerce Installation

2 months ago
I use Docker Compose for a first installation with docker desktop, I launch Visual Studio locally, I arrive at "/install", if I put a raw connection string with "do not create a database" checked, the installation crashes "sequence contains many elements".... The problem now is, in the database, languages are duplicated, so I have the same language displayed multiple times in the dropdown list
2 months ago
"create a database" literally creates the Database, as in (e.g., SQL Server):
  CREATE DATABASE YourDatabaseName;

I think the Install process will always create the Tables (in the database).
(I don't recall if they ever made it smart enough to 'stop' and say the tables already exist.)

If you can, I recommend that you start over with a fresh / new DB / Install.
Alternately, you can use SQL to remove the duplicates.