Nopcommerce page unresponsive

2 months ago
I am using nopcommerce 4.5v.
I am getting issue of page unresponsive on product listing and edit page, Sometimes I am getting this issue on other pages also and page getting load for longer time. I am getting this only on UAT and Production.
Anyone have any idea?

I am trying to fix by :
- Clear cache (Browser, Nop).
- Delete wwwroot/bundles files.
- Change admin side AppSettings > Bundling Configuration.
- Increase app pool timeout.
2 months ago
What is your server configuration and how many GB of RAM is allocated?
Do you have made any customization on the site?
2 months ago
thanks for your reply.
32Gb RAM for two production sites. Yes, we have multiple customizations.
2 months ago
If you're not seeing errors in your System > Log, then it could be a browser problem.
Try incognito mode.
Try another browser.
If either of those work OK, then maybe your browser has a bad extension/plugin.

Alternately, it could be a firewall on your PC (e.g., Windows Defender firewall).
Try another PC

2 months ago
On top of the @New York comment, you could also try profiling the database to find out the long execution time of queries.
NopCommerce has a mini profiler so you can use it as a starting point. You will have to turn it on from the app settings page