Redis remove cache, not working.

1 month ago
I have Redis enabled in one of the website(based on NopCom version 4.0), and configured a load balancer as well.  My site went down & gets auto-restarted whenever I make changes and save anything in admin(ie: Edit the store details.). After debugging, I found out that it's "_cacheManager.RemoveByPattern(pattern)" causing this problem, it contains following code:

  protected virtual async Task RemoveByPatternAsync(string pattern)

            foreach (var endPoint in _connectionWrapper.GetEndPoints())
                var server = _connectionWrapper.GetServer(endPoint);
                var keys = server.Keys(database: _db.Database, pattern: $"*{pattern}*");

                //we should always persist the data protection key list
                keys = keys.Where(key => !key.ToString().Equals(RedisConfiguration.DataProtectionKeysName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                await _db.KeyDeleteAsync(keys.ToArray());

Dose anyone have any idea on this issue? It'll great if you can help me to resolve this thing. Thank you.
1 month ago
Hi. There may be some restrictions on the Redis server side, try adding the parameter allowAdmin=true to the redis connection string