Debugging NopCommerce 4.6 through Visual Studio 2022 performance issues

1 month ago
While developing custom plugins for NopCommerce 4.6, we observed significant performance issues when we built the site and opened NopCommerce through Visual Studio 2022.
It takes about 6-8 minutes to open the site each time. The build completes within one minute. However, after the browser opens, the site appears after 6-8 minutes.
We have optimized VS IDE. There are no delays on the DB hosted on the cloud server.
When we run the site outside of VS [through ISS}, the same site is up in a few seconds.

Would someone be able to help?

Thanks a lot.
1 month ago
You need a lot of memory to speed it up
I have 64Gb and it takes up to 60 seconds to load up
You can also unload a lot of plugins and only load the one(s) you want to debug
1 month ago
It is just unbelievable that 64GB is required.
We see a better performance when the database is locally on the laptop.
Thanks a lot.
1 month ago
I have always faced the performance issue when the database is remotely hosted (2-3 times slower). So it is better to use the database locally if it is possible and as Yidna have suggested unload all the plugins if they are not on use
1 month ago
I have 16 GB on my dev PC and and it's usually less than 1 min from build to browser loaded.
I have SSD.

If only changing code in a plugin, then configure the solution properties in Visual Studio:
Configuration Properties  - unselect all projects except your plugin project.