Will it make my site faster if I use a separate server for database?

1 month ago
V 3.90

I wonder does it really make the site faster if I use a separate VPS server for DATABASE? And how fast will it be? 🤔 And if yes, are there any instructions how to connect the DB between servers?

Also, are there any other ways to improve the speed of the site?

Thanks for explaining.
1 month ago
The idea with using a seperate database server is that the only job of this server will be to serve the database requests and so this server not be busy doing anything else. Usually it would be a bigger server with more memory and so in theory it would be faster.

Your website server would be connecting to the database server via a network connection so they need to be collocated on the same network to ensure minimal network delays.

I assume your current server is a VPS and not shared server otherwise this would be a first step.
Also adding more memory and cpu to the current VPS will make the website faster.