Order with a shipping method

2 weeks ago

Anyone know of a situation that would allow an order to be created without a shipping method? The site has shipping methods however there was order today that had null for the shipping method BUT it had a shipping charge.

2 weeks ago
Two ways that I can think of:
1) Pickup in store - has a Fee.
2) Admin did "Edit Order Totals" and entered "Order shipping" amount.

In Admin, you can look at the Order and and see if the "Shipping method" is "Pickup ...", and you can look at "Activity log" to see if type "Edit an order".
2 weeks ago

Pickup in store is disabled.

No record in activity log but they can be deleted, however I don't think the admin has enough knowledge to find it and remove it if they did make a mistake. Also, I checked the database and all the ID's in that table are in sequence so nothing has been deleted.

New York wrote:
Two ways that I can think of:
1) Pickup in store - has a Fee.
2) Admin did "Edit Order Totals" and entered "Order shipping" amount.

In Admin, you can look at the Order and and see if the "Shipping method" is "Pickup ...", and you can look at "Activity log" to see if type "Edit an order".
1 week ago
Maybe the nop team can provide some insight? Possible a config setting?
1 week ago
There is no configuration setting not to store a Shipping Method in an order
The selected Shipping Method is stored as a generic attribute for the customer while processing the order workflow but should only be cleared after the order has been created.

Are you using third party Shipping Methods or all standard install methods ?
Any other shipping or order processing related third party plugins used in Admin ?
1 week ago

Standard shipping methods, nothing special. I'm wondering if it has something to do with guest checkout as it appears to be fine until the customer decided to turn on guest checkout.

I'm using a custom payment provider.

Yidna wrote:
There is no configuration setting not to store a Shipping Method in an order
The selected Shipping Method is stored as a generic attribute for the customer while processing the order workflow but should only be cleared after the order has been created.

Are you using third party Shipping Methods or all standard install methods ?
Any other shipping or order processing related third party plugins used in Admin ?
1 week ago
If you don't mind, can we see results of
  FROM [nopCommerce460_sample].[dbo].[Order]
  WHERE Id = yourOrderId

1 week ago

New York wrote:
If you don't mind, can we see results of
  FROM [nopCommerce460_sample].[dbo].[Order]
  WHERE Id = yourOrderId

1 week ago
Am I right in thinking this should be set by the payment processor?
1 week ago
13.1500, 10.9600

That seems like a very high tax rate.
I don't think this would be "set by the payment processor".  Rather...
Are you using a 3rd party plugin for Tax Provider (e.g. Avalara)?