Indexing, "Category_MinorCodes"

2 weeks ago
I upgraded from 4.1 to 4.7. Not sure if this has always been a problem or just with 4.7.

When I go to Maintenance > Re-Index, I get the following error:

Cannot find the object "Category_MinorCodes" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

Can't find a reference to this anywhere in code or in the DB. Any help?
2 weeks ago
This is not a standard nopCommerce table
Does this table exist in the database ?
If so, maybe you previously installed a plugin in v4.1 which may have created the table ?

2 weeks ago
Thanks. You're right. It's a work table we made for something in a past version. It was "hiding" under a different schema.

Is there a list of SQL tables needed for 4.7? I should clean out my DB. We actually started on 3.5, and used to have 2 stores on one DB, so there's a lot of junk in here I don't need.
2 weeks ago
There is not a list of tables as such - it does a select of tables for the criteria
I guess it finds the table then maybe does not have acces to do the command ?

I would take a backup of the database then delete that table and give it another try