Quick Cart and Checkout (POS)

5 months ago
NC 3.90

I am looking for someone who could develop a plugin or a script for following features:

1. Separate page like /quickcart or something like that.

2. On the page there will be an input field for putting a product ID (for simple products).

3. When product id is typed with keyboard or scanner it is automatically added to the cart.

4. If the same product id is typed again, then the quantity in the cart increases to +1 and etc.

5. If it is a grouped product, then it must show simple product variants or redirect to the grouped product page for selecting a variant.

6. In the cart page there should be fields like:
— Customer Name,
— Customer Last Name,
— E-mail Address,
— Phone number,
— Order Notes,
— Order Status,
— Payment Status,
— Shipping Status
— Create Order button.

7. After clicking create order button it should immediately create new order in Admin.

8. After order is created all other nopCommerce features must act as if an order would be placed in a usual way from the site.

9. Setting for allowing these features to exact admin user or role.

10. Everything must be fast and without any lags or bugs.

There is already something like this in FlyOut-Cart, but the problem is the long checkout.

My budget is not that big, but I really would like to have this done.

Please, PM if you are able to make such plugin.

5 months ago

Hope you are well. It 's very good Requirement. We would like to do it for you.
As we are Expert team and we are with nopCommerce since 2.65 version to till date.
We can surely deliver it to you at very affordable rates.

Please check PM for the same.

5 months ago

I’ve reviewed your requirements and I’m prepared to assist you.
Feel free to reach out:

Email: jack(at)technogiq(dot)com
Skype: live:.cid.a0f06a69cf1c6478

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Jack Smith
5 months ago
Hi Zef,

I am Aagam from nopAccelerate, a top-rated gold solution partner of nopCommerce.
We have enough experience with nopCommerce custom development and we can help you with your plugin.

Please check your PM and revert at your convenience.

Aagam Shah
[email protected]
5 months ago
Hello Zef,
Greetings of the day

I'm highly experienced in developing nopCommerce plugins and can expertly fulfill your requirements. I'm confident I can deliver a fast, bug-free quick-cart solution that exceeds your expectations.

Please check the PM. Shall we chat?
5 months ago
Hi Zaf,

Our team is well-experienced in custom plugin development. We have previously worked on similar customizations, such as B2B quick order and single-page checkout.

Please check your PM. We look forward to the opportunity to work on this plugin.
4 months ago
Hi Zaf,

There is a quick order plugin which does what you need but not very exact. You may purchase the source code and modify as per your requirement. I hope it helps you :)

Best regards,