Customizing Shipping and Billing Addresses for Multistore Checkout in nopCommerce

3 weeks ago
I'm currently utilizing nopCommerce as a multistore platform, managing multiple sites. However, I've encountered a challenge regarding the checkout process. Specifically, I need to customize the shipping and billing address forms differently for each site during checkout, but it seems nopCommerce doesn't provide built-in settings to achieve this.
example: First Store Billing Adress Fields; First Name, Last Name Phone Number ,
Second Store Billing Adress Fields;  First Name, Last Name Phone Number, Country, Address 1,..
Is there any plugin for this or a solution?
3 weeks ago
I'm not aware of any plugin for it, and because in Customer Settings, Customer form fields (e.g., 'Street address' enabled) cannot be managed per store, it may be difficult to customize.  I.e., the same settings apply for the customer account addresses and during the address entry for
checkout for both shipping address and billing address.  (Complicated by regular checkout vs one-page-checkout vs 3rd party one-page checkout.)

I am curious about  "First Store Billing Adress Fields; First Name, Last Name Phone Number".
So, you don't require for first store any address fields - address, city, state, zip?
Why?  Is this a Point-of-sale situation?  If so, then consider if you really need Name / Phone and thus having/using just one customer setup for such sales.