I am new here and need some help

3 weeks ago
i  am new  here and  could use some  help  which  version  is   bug  free  etc  
3 weeks ago
I would be starting with the latest release v4.7.
Although it may depend on what plugins you need to use for Theme, Payment and Shipping.
Given this is a new realease some plugins for this version may not yet be available.
3 weeks ago
i  tryed  installing  on  windows  at  ionos   but  am  having  trouble     it  shows  this   screen  when i  type in my  url  in the  address  bar    if  u  click  that  url  below  it will  show  u  what im  talking  about  a  html  error  403.14  i  have  a  question  will  it  work   on  namecheap  they  are  linux   servers    the  reason i  ask  is  im  about to  tell ionos  since they  cannot  support me  and get  me  going  i  will  ask  for  a  refund  and go  elsewhere
3 weeks ago
i  went  somewhre  else to  host