New fundraising site InkToThePeople

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9 years ago
Hi all,

My first post to the forums here, I'm very excited to announce our first 'from scratch' nopCommerce launch at Aperture Labs.

The site is and is one that we've been working on for a few months.

The site allows users to design a t-shirt on the site, and post it for sale in the marketplace with a portion of the proceeds benefitting a charity chosen by the user. These campaigns are timed sales that expire after a certain point and are fulfilled.

This site required significant customization and we are happy that by utilizing the excellent nopCommerce architecture available in nopCommerce we were able to keep all custom code contained to plugins and themes.

More enhancements to the site are planned in the coming weeks including updates to the design tool.
9 years ago
Very good job!
9 years ago
Nice job with the website - Looks great!
8 years ago
Hey guys,

Did you use an off-the-shelf plugin for the shirt customizer, or was that custom/in-house development? I have a client looking to do something very similar with sports jerseys and this would be an ideal solution.

Thanks in advance!

8 years ago
This was a custom plugin that we developed for the client.
8 years ago
Well, dang.
8 years ago
Great job. Love at the first sight.
It took me seconds to know how your campaign works, the text is direct and adressed.
Though I would add a little spacing between three bubbles with heroic kid: there is a plenty of space and they are sticking together.
E-mail form in the bottom is greatly done though I would make it a little more obvious.
8 years ago
Please find now in our showcase!
8 years ago
This site has been upgraded to 3.70. The conditional attributes have been used to streamline the campaign creation process.
6 years ago
My client wants to allow customers to customize their own floor mats. (similar to T-Shirt customization)

Mat should be customized with customers Text and customers uploaded picture on it.

How can i make this possible ?
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