nopCommerce 3.90 is released

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7 years ago
mr.mourya wrote:
Mariann, Any update on the API and improvements release date? Sorry to ask you again.

We updated the plugin for version 3.90. But unfortuantely, there's no estiamte for API update as we're very busy with moving to core (as our highest priority task).
7 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Mariann, Any update on the API and improvements release date? Sorry to ask you again.
We updated the plugin for version 3.90. But unfortuantely, there's no estiamte for API update as we're very busy with moving to core (as our highest priority task).

Thanks for the update Andrei... Wish you good luck!
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
i want to insert  ? and & in search engine friendly page name nopcommerce 3.09 in  which i insert successfully but after save  when i click preview button than i found error, ?,& it is getting error, error is showing url path is dangers and url automatically change in %3f.
Thanks & Regard
7 years ago
Andrei, are there any changes compared to 3.80 concerning IIS connections? Just updated to 3.90 and lost 80% of traffic and orders. It takes 30 seconds to load any page, administration pages included. A checkout lasts up to 5 minutes. If I can't solve by tomorrow I have to come back to last backupped 3.80.
Do you have any suggestion please?
6 years ago
Congratulations nopCommerce Developers!
6 years ago
Hi Mariann,

i just downloaded the Mailchimp plugin 3.90 but it keeps giving an error after adding it to my /plugin folder and then pressing the button 'Reload plugin list'
I also can't get any error log to see what's the issue.
Hope you can help me out?
Thx in advance!

Best regards Bart

Mariann wrote:

Any information about the upgrade of the MailChimp plugin?

There are also performance issues with this plugin when using a large database.
During the installation, the plugin creates a new table MailChimpSynchronizationRecord with more than 50 000 records and this takes over an hour in our case.

The first synchronization with MailChimp after installing the plugin throws an OurOfMemory exception because of the large JSON I guess.


we are going to upgrade MailChimp plugin to 3.90 in a few days. Other issues related to performance, the latest version of API and some improvements will be fixed in a couple of weeks.
6 years ago
bart.m84 wrote:
Hi Mariann,

i just downloaded the Mailchimp plugin 3.90 but it keeps giving an error after adding it to my /plugin folder and then pressing the button 'Reload plugin list'
I also can't get any error log to see what's the issue.
Hope you can help me out?
Thx in advance!

Best regards Bart

Hi, Bart

Which exactly error do you see?
6 years ago
Mariann wrote:
Hi Mariann,

i just downloaded the Mailchimp plugin 3.90 but it keeps giving an error after adding it to my /plugin folder and then pressing the button 'Reload plugin list'
I also can't get any error log to see what's the issue.
Hope you can help me out?
Thx in advance!

Best regards Bart

Hi, Bart

Which exactly error do you see?

Just the regular error:

"We're sorry, an internal error occurred.
Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.
If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.
Thank you for your patience."

And nothing in the admin error log...
Is there something wrong with the plugin?
I've downloaded it yesterday, picked the correct version 3.90, assigned it correct as all my other plugins but this is just not working.

Appreciate your support!
6 years ago
Did you check the event logs for errors?
6 years ago
smartegicsys wrote:
Did you check the event logs for errors?

Yep, nothing is mentioned unfortunaly.
To avoid misunderstanding, you do mean 'System log', correct?
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