nopCommerce 4.30 RC is available. Please share your impressions

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4 years ago
From what I've discovered elsewhere this seems to be to do with SecureSocketOptions.StartTls and whether the whole connection is set to true or SslOnConnect, next thing to check is that the fromname and email address match what the server expects.
Can someone please point me in the right area to find the MimeKit files so that I can check or edit?
4 years ago
Another version without any vendor improvement ... :(
4 years ago
[email protected] wrote:
From what I've discovered elsewhere this seems to be to do with SecureSocketOptions.StartTls and whether the whole connection is set to true or SslOnConnect, next thing to check is that the fromname and email address match what the server expects.
Can someone please point me in the right area to find the MimeKit files so that I can check or edit?

Uncheck enable ssl and using port 587 works for me.
4 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion but if you read what I said you will see I tried that already.
4 years ago
Email settings update. FIXED
It was possibly the password! Although I entered the password and saved the settings when I checked at database level the Password was 123 rather than what I'd entered. I changed it and tried again still no joy. I then tried once again this time without SSL as suggested by maplewang and still no success.
I then deleted the email and started afresh and this time it worked without SSL checked.
4 years ago
I am still getting a white page with "The service is unavailable." when clicking the restart application button in the admin area. Do I have to change some iis settings or publish the app differently?
Any ideas on hot to fix this
4 years ago
mcselasvegas wrote:
I am still getting a white page with "The service is unavailable." when clicking the restart application button in the admin area.

Me too, I'm getting 503 Error - The service is unavailable     Luckily it works when I reload the second time. It has to be some IIS setting maybe unrelated to nopCommerce ?   Could you find the cause?
4 years ago
Being new to nopCommerce I have always seen the "service is unavailable" notice after invoking a restart and thought that was normal. As I see it I just clicked a button stating restart so along the way it must shut down and end the session therefore this screen was to be expected. A refresh to reload and all is well. Is that not what's supposed to happen?
4 years ago
[email protected] wrote:
Being new to nopCommerce I have always seen the "service is unavailable" notice after invoking a restart and thought that was normal. As I see it I just clicked a button stating restart so along the way it must shut down and end the session therefore this screen was to be expected. A refresh to reload and all is well. Is that not what's supposed to happen?

on 4.2 on windows/iis - the page 'greys over' with a message 'Restarting the application' and a rolling candy bar, then after about 30 seconds, admin area is back (no errors)

my experience on 4.3 on Linux, is immediate 'Bad Gateway' (meaning the webserver (handling inbound request) is trying to reach and forward http requests to the .NET Core application, which is not listening/answering). Maybe the Dot Net core process is restarting? If I refresh browser after say 20-30 seconds, admin page is back.
4 years ago
So if I just use this one below will it effect all my work already done in the coding etc? I've changed a lot and can't remember all I did, don't want it all going back to default?
"Upgrade script from 4.20 (download this package to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version)"
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