a lot of fake registrations... why are they doing this???!?!?!?

1 year ago
i use nopcommerce 4.5
recently when i started to have orders i also started to have a lot of fake registrations by some bots or... it really annoys me. i have captcha v3 enabled and all other security settings. it doesn't help... what's going on? can someone explain?

1. please someone, explain me their real reasons, why are they doing this?
2. do i need to delete them and block their ip addresses in iis?
3. what is their purpose???
4. if i just delete rows in mssql of fake users, will it break my db? or better not to delete them?

examples of fake registraions:
[email protected]  KennethVot KennethVotHA  Registered  88587243293      4/29/2023 7:06:05 AM  4/29/2023 7:06:05 AM  
  [email protected]  CharlesAdure CharlesAdureEZ  Registered  84664594593      4/29/2023 6:54:40 AM  4/29/2023 6:54:40 AM  
  [email protected]  Ralphnab RalphnabBK  Registered  85544192722      4/29/2023 6:46:22 AM  4/29/2023 6:46:22 AM  
  [email protected]  Ismaelopery IsmaeloperyKW  Registered  84574559271      4/29/2023 6:35:52 AM  4/29/2023 6:35:52 AM  
  [email protected]  Willislic WillislicOF  Registered  87217772227      4/29/2023 6:35:31 AM  4/29/2023 6:35:31 AM  
  [email protected]  Stephengex StephengexVV  Registered  83474276354      4/29/2023 6:19:36 AM  4/29/2023 6:19:36 AM  
  [email protected]  Georgetonge GeorgetongeTO  Registered  86245421656      4/29/2023 6:19:16 AM  4/29/2023 6:19:16 AM  
  [email protected]  Charlesenfom CharlesenfomPM  Registered  83751565118      4/29/2023 6:14:34 AM  4/29/2023 6:14:34 AM  
  [email protected]  BernardExilk BernardExilkTG  Registered  83297293279      4/29/2023 6:14:33 AM  4/29/2023 6:14:33 AM  
  [email protected]  Charlespeado CharlespeadoVM  Registered  87793179672      4/29/2023 6:13:55 AM  4/29/2023 6:13:55 AM
1 year ago
please someone reply
please help
1 year ago
The same happens on my sites.  In general, spammers will do it so that they can post spam in your site (blog comments, forum topics, etc.), or hackers can try to find vulnerabilities.  However, I find that these will typically have a  CreatedOnUtc = LastActivityDateUtc, and the LastVisitedPage is the Register page.   So I can only guess that maybe they are just 'testing' their ability to form fill and beat Captcha, so that they can use their techniques elsewhere.

Yes, It's safe to DELETE them using SQL in the database.

You can also enable Honeypot
9 months ago
Hi Guys,
In captcha 3 you have possibility (don't remember, nopcommerce settings or on captcha page) to manage difficult human / bot testing.

Maybe try here increase difficult. When i enable captcha 3, i reduce 100% fake accounts.