Add ModifiedOnUtc column to Order table

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1 year ago
I'm on 4.20 so maybe this has already been added to newer versions.   If so, let me know and I'll update.

PROBLEM:  Multiple custom applications all share the nopCommerce database to allow front-office streamlining of common store functions.   These other applications can detect when a new order has been added to nopCommerce by querying the CreatedOnUtc column.   But there currently is no way for an external application to query the database and know that there has been a change made to some order(s).   (OrderStatusId, ShippingStatusId, PaymentStatusId, etc)

SOLUTION: Add new DateTime column to table Order: ModifiedOnUtc. Set CreatedOnUtc and ModifiedOnUtc when adding new order.   Update ModifiedOnUtc any time there is a update to any column in the Order table.    This will allow for change detection by any external application that is sharing the nopCommerce database.

It could be as simple as that and still be quite useful.  

Or it could be as complicated as also detecting changes to OrderItem, Address, etc.   Depending on level of work developers want to devote to this feature.
1 year ago
No, Modify date has not been added to Order table (as of 4.60).
Consider using the ActivityLog table.

  FROM [ActivityLogType]
  where [SystemKeyword] like '%order%'

EditOrder ...
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