May nopCommerce creators reach my admin side and steal my clients and get other confidentional information?

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1 year ago
May nopCommerce creators reach my admin side and steal my clients, contacts and get other confidentional information?
Recently I have heard from my friend, that nopcommerce admin somehow reached his admin panel and made popup window open and deleted his orders!

Is it true? How is that possible?

NopCommerce is not Open Source anymore??? :((((((((((((((
1 year ago
arthur_shneider wrote:
May nopCommerce creators reach my admin side and steal my clients, contacts and get other confidentional information?

No worries, the nopCommerce team is unable to break into your admin area and steal your customers, contact details, and other confidential information.

arthur_shneider wrote:
...made popup window

The popup window in the admin panel only appears when the user violates the terms of the nopCommerce license

arthur_shneider wrote:
....and deleted his orders. Is it true? How is that possible?

This is not true. nopCommerce does not have such a technical possibility. Moreover, under no circumstances, even in relation to the most persistent violators, would the nopCommerce team take such a step.

arthur_shneider wrote:
NopCommerce is not Open Source anymore?

nopCommerce was and still is open source. But please respect the work of the developers and do not violate the terms of the license.
1 year ago
Hello Arthur,

I can say that whatever Liana told you is true. NopCommerce is not involved in stealing anything, that's not a valid allegation.

You can check nopCommerce source code and confirm it with any developer or yourself. We are using NopCommerce for some fortune 500 customers for their internal projects and if there was such a thing, then it would have been rejected from their security assessment team.

Best regards,
1 year ago
lianavladis wrote:
The popup window in the admin panel only appears when the user violates the terms of the nopCommerce license

How does nopCommerce team understand they should show such popup in my admin side? Do they somehow track my activity in my admin side?

This actually makes me worry... I worry about the data of my clients...
1 year ago

You can still rest assured that no one is stealing your data. Please check it yourself or get it checked by a developer. NopCommerce is opensource and the source code is already available.

Of course the nopCommerce can check if you haven’t bought a copyright removal and have removed it in your website but there’s no way to steal any data.

Best regards,
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