Fresh Install on Windows 10 - error while activating Nop.Data.Migrations.MigrationManager

11 months ago
I'm installing nopCommerce 4.60.3 on windows 10.
I'm using the source code and can run/install the app using Visual Studio 2022.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server as the DB. I've created a new blank db, given the app pool access to it and have given the app pool permission to the folder structure.

But when I try to publish the web app and set the published folder as an IIS app, I get the following error:

Setup failed: An exception was thrown while activating Nop.Data.Migrations.MigrationManager -> λ:System.Lazy`1[[FluentMigrator.Runner.IVersionLoader, FluentMigrator.Runner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=aacfc7de5acabf05]] -> λ:FluentMigrator.Runner.IVersionLoader.

I've searched everywhere I can find and see some issues close to this. But no resolution can be found.

I can't get around this error. Can anyone help me out?
11 months ago

Seems like you are doing it for the first time. Ensure that all necessary prerequisites are installed, especially correct version of Dot Net Core SDK. Verify DB connection string. Confirm/check if it works fine when you try to login it manually and then finally verify that correct file permissions are set and then retry with new site creation. It should work.

Best Regards
4 months ago
4 months ago
4 months ago
Here is the page for Installing on Windows.
As per that page, be sure to first  meet the minimum requirements to run nopCommerce and install the runtime as mentioned there.

Even if you are doing an upgrade, it's best to to first install a new system into a new site / new database.  Test it.  Install additional plugins. Test it again.  Then, see upgrade instructions.  Backup your DB.  I recommend you restore that DB backup to another DB and use that for the upgrade, which should now just be a matter of only updating your new / tested site's appsettings.json file with the connection string to the restored DB.
(As per note on the upgrade page: "If you stored your pictures on the file system, then also backup them (\wwwroot\Images\) and copy back after the upgrade.")

If you have specific problems during your install/upgrade, then please post a new topic with your versions, environment information, and error messages / issues.