Ecomail sync task missing

11 months ago

just installed the Ecomail plugin and followed the setup guide from Ecomail. At some point they are saying that you need to setup the sync method in Systems -> Tasks. However, I do not see any Ecomail sync task to enable or configure?

I am using 4.60.3 and the latest version of the Ecomail plugin (just downloaden 30 minutes ago).
11 months ago
Looks like they may be leaving it for developers to customise the code and add the Schedule Task
Or maybe they will add it in later updates ?
11 months ago
There is no schedule task in this plugin. The initial import of contacts and orders is executed from the plugin configuration page ("Sync now" button). All following subscriptions/unsubscriptions and new orders will be synchronized in real time by events. No need to run scheduled synchronization.
11 months ago
Ok, thank you. In that case the installation description for nopCommerce on the Ecomail website is incorrect. There it is saying that you can configure the scheduled task
11 months ago
Thanks for the info, we'll check it.
11 months ago
Hi Maksim,

other question about Ecomail. I am using their trial version and I see that they have a Transactional Email feature to send emails from nopCommerce through the API.
I do not see that in the nopCommerce plugin. Is that something that will be added later on?
It would be nice to have that option too so all emails sent from nopCommerce can be send through Ecomail.
11 months ago
Yes, the plugin currently supports the synchronization of contacts, catalog, transactions, and tracking of user actions. Perhaps more features will be added later, including transactional emails. It mostly depends on user demand.
11 months ago
Is there a place where I can add this is a feature wish?
11 months ago
Create an issue in GitHub
11 months ago
I created an issue here, you can vote (by emoji) for it or add details in the comments.