Custom shipping method plugin

11 months ago

I need a Shipping plugin that will allow me to set up my own Shipping provider. Basically, what I need for my Checkout process is:

1. Move the Shipping method to be 1st in the Checkout process. I will have only 1 shipping company, but I consider doing this since there will be two options for the Shipping - To the customer's address or the Shipping company's office address. (I have been advised that doing this might cause serious issues with the checkout process, but please advice further if it would be possible).
2. If the customer selects he wishes the shipping to be to the Shipping company's office, on the Shipping step, I would need to have an additional field, that would ask the customer in which office of the shipping provider they wish the order to be delivered (when they start typing, an autocomplete dropdown with offices should appear)
3. For both options - delivery to an office or to the customer's address, I should be able to add my own payment calculations that depend on the weight of the order (much like in the Fixed by weight plugin from nopCommerce)

I have some basic development knowledge, so I understand that some of the things (like #1) could be made as a modification to nopCommerce, while the rest done as a plugin, but I guess we will discuss this further with the person who is willing to do this for me.

I will be doing all the CSS customizations myself, I just need the functionality.
11 months ago
I see you've posted this in the "Commercial Help Wanted" forum, but ...

1) RE: "Move the Shipping method to be 1st in the Checkout process."
Have you considered using "One Page Checkout"?  (Not the built in one, but one of the plugins in the marketplace that truly has all info viewable on a single page.)
However, consider that in many cases (although maybe not yours ;), the shipping methods/rates depend on the customer entering address information.

2) RE" ... Shipping company's office address."
Have you considered using Pickup Points?

3) RE: "payment calculations that depend on the weight of the order"
For "payment calculations", I assume you mean payment fee ??
The only plugin I'm aware of to calculate payment fees is Payment Director.
11 months ago

Hope you are doing well.
We are nopCommerce experts. We would like to do it for you as we have made some shipping plugins.
Our customer using that from years. So it would be easy for us to develop shipping plugin for you.

Please check the PM for the same

11 months ago

We can help you with this, we have worked with many custom plugins including custom shipping and checkout process.

Let's discuss more details, you can reach me out on email (mailto:[email protected]) or Skype (

Kiran Bhadani
GenX Solutions
11 months ago

I have sent you an Private message with details please check
