template customization

10 months ago
Hi, I would like to customize my website, I currently use version 4.5. If anyone is interested, I'll explain how I would like it.
Thank you
10 months ago
freddy2 wrote:
Hi, I would like to customize my website, I currently use version 4.5. If anyone is interested, I'll explain how I would like it.
Thank you


Hope you are doing well.
We can definitely help you for the same. As we are with nopCommerce from 2.65 version to till date.
We have recently upgraded and customize Many projects of our client in a very optimistic way which leads to site performance and improve site speeds.

We are interested in working in your project.
Please check PM for the same.

10 months ago
Hello Freddy,
We are the top-rated gold solution partner of nopCommerce and interested to work with you.
Our top-notch services can assist you with all your website customizations.
Please review the private message (PM) we have sent you.

We eagerly await your response and look forward to working with you.
Best Regards,
[email protected]
10 months ago
Hi Freddy,

I have sent you private message with the detail

Kindly check and let me know
