Is PayPal broke in 4.6.4?

8 months ago
Upgraded from 4.2 to 4.6.4

Soon as I enabled the PayPal plugin, I started getting the following errors in the log...

The view component name 'Logo' matched multiple types:
Type: 'Nop.Web.Components.LogoViewComponent' - Name: 'Nop.Web.Components.Logo'
Type: 'Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Components.LogoViewComponent' - Name: 'Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Components.Logo'

Looks like there is some sort of conflict between the PayPal plugin and the app?   Is there a fix available for this?
8 months ago
Are you using any third-party themes?

Please check this post
8 months ago
Yes.  I have a simple theme that I put together years ago.   just a header/footer and a home page.  Nothing crazy.  

After posting above, I did find another post from a couple years ago talking about needing to explicitly declare LogoViewComponent in _Header.cshtml.   I did that but it did not resolve the problem.  

Maybe I did it wrong?   Here's what I have now...

@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(Nop.Web.Components.LogoViewComponent))

Did I do it right?
8 months ago
got it sorted out. Turns out I had a reference to LogoViewComponent in another theme that needed the explicit declaration as well.  Didn't even think of it at first and even when I did - I assumed since it was not my current Theme - it wouldn't matter.  

Anyway, decorated that reference and problem gone.