Site speed issues

7 months ago
Dear Friends,

I have check my site speed and i got below messages and i want to know to solve such issues :

* Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles.
* Eliminate render-blocking resources.
* eliminate render-blocking scripts.
* eliminate render-blocking stylesheets.
7 months ago
Are you using a custom / 3rd party Theme?  If so, turn it off and test again.

Note these settings (All Settings):
7 months ago
Hi New York,

Thank you for your reply.

we are using Venture theme customized. we are using  Nope 4.40.3

commonsettings.enablecssbundling  ---> if we enabled our website layout stop working
commonsettings.enablejsbundling ---> its true
commonsettings.enablehtmlminification  ----> its true

kindly advise.

Thank you