use tinyMCE editor in a web page

7 months ago
hi everyone,
I need an editor for products in a custom web page (not admin area) and I think is a good idea use the tinyMCE present in nop 4.60.4 version , but I don't have success.
How example I use the code present in Presentation\Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Views\Product\_CreateOrUpdate.Info.cshtml, that call the method PrepareCustomerProductModelAsync in Presentation\Nop.Web\Factories\ProductModelFactory.cs .
I Copy all in my page (Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Shared\_CreateOrUpdateProduct.cshtml), resolve error, change model (my is very similar at ProductModel used in example page) but i have this disappointing result:

I dont' see the tinyMCE field, but only a simple texbox :-(
What should I check for use the editor?

thank you for the answer
7 months ago
Are you somehow loading the Areas\Admin\Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\RichEditor.cshtml file
which loads the jscript ?
If so are you getting any jscript errors - Right mouse Inspect
7 months ago
Great Yidna!
I have add EditorTemplates folder in view/shared + alarm.cshtml + little adjustment et volilà my tinyMCE in custom web page.
thank you very mutch