Upgrade from 4.60.2 to 4.60.5 without losing the design and data

4 months ago
Give me a step-by-step instructions on how to do this?

I cannot lose my data from the site, because I have worked a lto for it! I need to save all product ids and other information!

HELP ME UPGRADE MY SITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am suffering because login after register does not work! It brings a lot of problems
4 months ago
It's simple to upgrade. You can follow this article or follow the below steps:
1. Download latest no-source version or source code depending upon your need. Unzip it as well.
2. Stop your website for a while.
3. Take database and website backup.
4. Replace the unzipped no source or published copy from the source code version without replacing two folders, App_Data and wwwroot with your website folder.
5. Restart the website.

BTW, if the login doesn't work after registering on the website, then it must be an issue related to account activation. May be! Please check.

Best regards,
4 months ago
nopAdvance.com wrote:
It's simple to upgrade. You can follow this article or follow the below steps:
1. Download latest no-source version or source code depending upon your need. Unzip it as well.
2. Stop your website for a while.
3. Take database and website backup.
4. Replace the unzipped no source or published copy from the source code version without replacing two folders, App_Data and wwwroot with your website folder.
5. Restart the website.

BTW, if the login doesn't work after registering on the website, then it must be an issue related to account activation. May be! Please check.

Best regards,

Can you explain normally? I use only No Source version.

I don't understand step # 4. Please, explain it.
4 months ago
The directories  App_Data contains the .json config files
and wwwroot contains any static data
So you do not want to directly overwrite those directories
He is saying everything else can be deleted and replaced with the new version

Although I do not do it that way as if you want to role back you need to stuff around with backups

I prefer to create a new fresh directory and copied in the complete no-source version
Then I run an install to create a new test database and check everything works
Then I copy in any files required from wwwroot and any plugins from the old version directory
Then point the new website appSettings.json file to the old database and
the system will run the migration to upgrade the database as required
But that's just the way I do it
4 months ago
Yidna wrote:
The directories  App_Data contains the .json config files
and wwwroot contains any static data
So you do not want to directly overwrite those directories
He is saying everything else can be deleted and replaced with the new version

Although I do not do it that way as if you want to role back you need to stuff around with backups

I prefer to create a new fresh directory and copied in the complete no-source version
Then I run an install to create a new test database and check everything works
Then I copy in any files required from wwwroot and any plugins from the old version directory
Then point the new website appSettings.json file to the old database and run the migration
But that's just the way I do it

What do you mean by run migration? What do you do exactly?
4 months ago
Edited: the system will run the migration to upgrade the database as required
4 months ago
Yidna wrote:
Edited: the system will run the migration to upgrade the database as required

I tried your way. Whenever I change the database name to the old one in json settings file, I get an error "We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience."
4 months ago
Turn on Stdout error logging and check logs
4 months ago
danielaguero wrote:

Can you explain normally? I use only No Source version.

I don't understand step # 4. Please, explain it.

Okay. Let me explain this again. Please follow the below steps:

1. Download the latest no source version. Unzip it somewhere on the server.
2. Place the unzipped directory within the same directory as your current website directory. It should be mostly within C:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Once you have copied, you can rename it to whatever you want.
3. Stop the website from your windows IIS manager.
4. Take a backup of your database.
5. Go to your current website directory, copy and replace App_Data and wwwroot folder from your existing website directory to the new nopCommerce directory from step 2.
6. Go to IIS manager, select your site from the list of sites. Then right click the selected site, go to, Manage Website > Advanced Settings.
7. In the advanced settings dialog box, point the physical path to the new website directory from step 2 and step 5. Click Ok button once done.
8. Once you have completed steps 1 to 7, now you need to provide permissions to the new directory which you just mapped with the site in the IIS. In order to do that, right click on the site and click Edit Permissions menu option.
9. In the edit permissions dialog box, go to the Security tab then click on Edit button.
10. In the edit window, select IIS_IUSRS from the Group or usernames list and make sure that this user has proper permissions. I generally set to full control on the directory.
11. Once done, start the website and try to browse in a private window first. This is the step where automatic migration happens from 4.60.2 to 4.60.5 in this version of nopCommerce.

I can guarantee that this process has no chances for any error if you follow wisely. We upgraded a lot of websites the same way.

Best regards,
4 months ago
nopAdvance.com wrote:

Can you explain normally? I use only No Source version.

I don't understand step # 4. Please, explain it.
Okay. Let me explain this again. Please follow the below steps:

1. Download the latest no source version. Unzip it somewhere on the server.
2. Place the unzipped directory within the same directory as your current website directory. It should be mostly within C:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Once you have copied, you can rename it to whatever you want.
3. Stop the website from your windows IIS manager.
4. Take a backup of your database.
5. Go to your current website directory, copy and replace App_Data and wwwroot folder from your existing website directory to the new nopCommerce directory from step 2.
6. Go to IIS manager, select your site from the list of sites. Then right click the selected site, go to, Manage Website > Advanced Settings.
7. In the advanced settings dialog box, point the physical path to the new website directory from step 2 and step 5. Click Ok button once done.
8. Once you have completed steps 1 to 7, now you need to provide permissions to the new directory which you just mapped with the site in the IIS. In order to do that, right click on the site and click Edit Permissions menu option.
9. In the edit permissions dialog box, go to the Security tab then click on Edit button.
10. In the edit window, select IIS_IUSRS from the Group or usernames list and make sure that this user has proper permissions. I generally set to full control on the directory.
11. Once done, start the website and try to browse in a private window first. This is the step where automatic migration happens from 4.60.2 to 4.60.5 in this version of nopCommerce.

I can guarantee that this process has no chances for any error if you follow wisely. We upgraded a lot of websites the same way.

Best regards,

Thank you for your help.

I did everything as you described.

I get this error when I start the site: We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

And I am getting this error is sdtout Logs:
Security Warning: The negotiated TLS 1.0 is an insecure protocol and is supported for backward compatibility only. The recommended protocol version is TLS 1.2 and later.