Keep Alive and other Tasks not running (403)

4 months ago
Yidna wrote:
Grasping at straws territory now :(
System does a HTTP post to the addresses for Schedule Tasks
You are getting 403 error
The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code which means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden for some reason.
Maybe something in the web.config customHeaders
Assuming there is no defaults values that will be activated when removing the current settings - I dont know
But as a test you could try removing all

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I was really hoping you were on to something as I had not tried this.  I removed all custom headers and rules (in web.config and IIS), cleared cache, and restarted the application.  Unfortunately, I still get the same 403 error when trying to run the KeepAliveTask manually and the other tasks are still not running on the automated schedule.

4 months ago
cognecy wrote:
Grasping at straws territory now :(
System does a HTTP post to the addresses for Schedule Tasks
You are getting 403 error
The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code which means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden for some reason.
Maybe something in the web.config customHeaders
Assuming there is no defaults values that will be activated when removing the current settings - I dont know
But as a test you could try removing all

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I was really hoping you were on to something as I had not tried this.  I removed all custom headers and rules (in web.config and IIS), cleared cache, and restarted the application.  Unfortunately, I still get the same 403 error when trying to run the KeepAliveTask manually and the other tasks are still not running on the automated schedule.

I beleive I have this issue solved.  You were in fact on to something with the "removing the custom headers" idea.  Though removing the headers did not resolve the issue I began looking at Request Filtering and URL Rewrite rules we have at the IIS Server level on all Windows Servers (shared, vps, and dedicated).  We have accumulated many filters and URL Rewrite rules over the years that apply to various applications running on servers as part of a layered defense against intrusion.  This was the problem with regard to nopCommerce as something in those policies was creating a conflict and forcing the 403.  I removed all of them (Request Filters and URL Rewrite rules) and the Scheduled Tasks in nopCommerce started to run perfectly.

Thank you for you input on this as it got me thinking in a different direction and ultimately solved the issue.