How do I remove the Debit or Credit Card button from the PayPal Payment Plugin - SOLVED

2 months ago
Hi everyone

We have the Paypal plugin working well on our site but under the 'PayPal' (blue) button is a 'Debit or Credit Card' button (black). Clicking this opens a dialogue to enter CC details but this doesn't work (no ideas where the numbers go as they don't appear anywhere in our shop's backend) and so we would like to remove it.

I'm assuming I do this from the PayPal side but cannot see any option to remove. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation.
2 months ago
What version of nopCommerce?

Whose\which PayPal plugin?
In the Payment Methods page, what is the System Name?

In Admin > All Settings, try changing these to False
2 months ago
I think you are using Paypal Commerce plugin and as it's having both Paypal button and Debit/Credit card options.

You can find this setting "paypalcommercesettings.disabledfunding" on AllSettings page in the admin side and update the value to "card". This will hide the card option from checkout page.

Best Regards,
2 months ago
Note that the disable-funding parameter in the PayPal Commerce API is used to specify the funding sources that should not be displayed as payment options at checkout.  In the nopCommerce All Settings, you need to enter string values as per PayPal JavaScript SDK documentation:
The disabled funding sources for the transaction. Any funding sources that you pass aren't displayed as buttons at checkout. By default, funding source eligibility is determined based on a variety of factors. Don't use this query parameter to disable advanced credit and debit card payments.

Example value  Default  Description
card, credit, bancontact
Funding sources to disallow from showing in the checkout buttons. Don't use this query parameter to disable advanced credit and debit card payments.

2 months ago
New York & Faiz - thank you so much. This is EXACTLY the solution and I am sorry I did not include full details on my original post.

Let me add them now so anyone searching in the future can unearth this solution (I couldn't find it searching).

NopCommerce Version: 4.40.4
PayPal Plugin: Payments.PayPalCommerce

Just out of interest, how easy is it to get the boxes that we have now removed (ie where a customer can directly enter their CC number and Expiry) to actually work, and do away with the PayPal button?

It would, in many ways, be a tidier (and for the customer, more frictionless) expereince but, for anyone that has used this in the past the computer has said "no" and the numbers have been lost in the ether. Certainly nothing has reached our PayPal account when this has occurred.

Thank you both for your help. Hugely appreciated.

2 months ago
I am not sure if I understood your question correctly but you can try this plugin if you want credit card form instead of paypal button.

Best Regards,
2 months ago
Thank you. I will give it a whirl.
