Nopcommerce 4.0 application not working

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5 years ago
Hi, I am working on nopcommerce 4.0 application but from today its not running on my local system. Is there any issue with nopcommerce 4.0 version.

Please give me solution i am waiting for your response.

5 years ago

There is probably some issue with your local nopCommerce application. You should see why your application is not running. Follow the isntructions below in order to see the error that is preventing your nopCommerce from working properly:

If you can't access the administration you have to turn on your site log, so that your errors are logged in a .txt file. To do so, modify your Web.config file by setting stdoutLogEnabled to true:
  <aspNetCore requestTimeout="00:07:00" processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"
stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
change to:

  <aspNetCore requestTimeout="00:07:00" processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"
stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />

Once you got the error you will get a log .txt file generated in ~/Logs folder (~/Presentation/Nop.Web/Logs for Source version of nopCommerce).

This should give you the error details. If you do not understand the error you can always post the error here ( with all the details) so someone from the community can help you.

Hope that helps!

5 years ago
What do you mean running on your local system? Are you using a domain name / dns entry pointed at IIS ?

Or do you mean you ran Visual Studio debugger and had a localhost domain that worked and no longer works ?
If it is the second option you need to run in the Visual Studio debugger to get it working again because after a while / reboot the local server goes away.
5 years ago
Hello all,

I am getting this error, that's why application is not running on local system.

Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/NOP.WEB' with physical root 'D:DempProject\Presentation\Nop.Web\' failed to start process with commandline 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\ProjectSystem\VSIISExeLauncher.exe -argFile "C:\Users\ashish.verma\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2CDD.tmp"', ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 0.

So, can you provide the solution for this.

This error found form eventviewer.
5 years ago
Hosting environment: Development
Content root path: D:\DemoProject\Presentation\Nop.Web
Now listening on: http://localhost:13486
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
      Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:15536/  
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler[8]
      AuthenticationScheme: Authentication was successfully authenticated.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[1]
      Executing action method Nop.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Nop.Web) with arguments ((null)) - ModelState is Valid
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Internal.ViewResultExecutor[1]
      Executing ViewResult, running view at path /Themes/Sealogica/Views/Home/Index.cshtml.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[2]
      Executed action Nop.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Nop.Web) in 17381.9127ms
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
      Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:15536/Themes/Sealogica/Content/css/tables.css  
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
      Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:15536/Themes/Sealogica/Content/css/mobile.css  
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
      Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:15536/Themes/Sealogica/Content/css/480.css  
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2]
      Sending file. Request path: '/Emporium/Content/css/tables.css'. Physical path: 'D:\DemoProject\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Sealogica\Content\css\tables.css'
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2]
      Sending file. Request path: '/Sealogica/Content/css/480.css'. Physical path: 'DemoProject\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Sealogica\Content\css\480.css'
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 22.8522ms 200 text/css
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 22.3255ms 200 text/css
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2]
      Sending file. Request path: '/Sealogica/Content/css/mobile.css'. Physical path: 'D:\DemoProject\Presentation\Nop.Web\Sealogica\Content\css\mobile.css'
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 18636.0191ms 200 text/html; charset=utf-8
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 27.1168ms 200 text/css
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1]
      Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:15536/Themes/Sealogica/Content/css/styles.css  
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware[2]
      Sending file. Request path: '/Emporium/Content/css/styles.css'. Physical path: 'DemoProject\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Sealogica\Content\css\styles.css'
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 4.8271ms 200 text/css
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