Nop 4.10 - AddressAttributeParser. ParseCustomAddressAttributes exception

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5 years ago
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: form

Url: /checkout/billingaddress (from popup cart)

How to reproduce:

1. Logged in customer without any address
2. Billing address in checkout is disabled

CheckoutController, starting from 268 line:

var model = _checkoutModelFactory.PrepareBillingAddressModel(cart, prePopulateNewAddressWithCustomerFields: true);

Model has no inited Form property. And, below, line 281:

return NewBillingAddress(model); 

inside NewBillingAddress, line: 342 //custom address attributes
var customAttributes = _addressAttributeParser.ParseCustomAddressAttributes(model.Form);

And the first check:

 if (form == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(form));
5 years ago
Thanks! We'll investigate it -
5 years ago
Done. Please see this commit for more details.
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