Hi Guys,

I have a problem and may be someone can help me. I created custom bulk edit for my customer. Everything work for me but my customer in admin section switch language to (cs-CZ) and it seems that is problem with decimal numbers (prices) they cannot bind into model.

1 ) I wanted to create custom model binder.I try to inherit from BaseNopModel

public override void BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
     base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

I try to debug but I was not able to stop on breakpoint so I think the method is never called.

2 ) I tried to modifi kendo.culture js take same settings from EN-US to cs-CZ but this doesn´t solve the problem.

3) There is any way to specify numberFormat in web.config for specific Culture ? (I am googling but I find only way how set up default culture)

4) May be possible way is to configure number format in system but it could have side effects.

Did someone have similar issue ?