Dear community,

I am currently doing some improvements in nopCommerce's Import and Export manager.
such as  Export/Import with localized content

In order to support localization, my understanding is that I need to get access to an ILocalizedEntityService instance inside the ImportManager and Export Manager class. So, what I am going to do is:
1- ExportManager class
       inside fields area add
 private readonly ILocalizedEntityService _localizedEntityService 

       Pass an instance of ILocalizedEntityService to the ImportManager constructor, and assign it to the local
         variable I created above:

ILocalizedEntityService localizedEntityService 

         this._localizedEntityService = localizedEntityService;

         inside ExportProductsToXlsx function  add property need to export with the Arabic language  

ExportProductsToXlsx(IEnumerable<Product> products){

          new PropertyByName<Product>("ArName",p=>_localizedEntityService.GetLocalizedValue(2,
                new PropertyByName<Product>("ArShortDescription",p=>_localizedEntityService.GetLocalizedValue(2,
                new PropertyByName<Product>("ArFullDescription",p=>_localizedEntityService.GetLocalizedValue(2,


      can flow all editing here

2-ImportManager class

using Nop.Core.Domain.Localization;

declare global variables

   LocalizedProperty ArName;
        LocalizedProperty ArShortDescription;
        LocalizedProperty ArFullDescription;

inside fields area add
private readonly ILocalizedEntityService _localizedEntityService;

Pass an instance of ILocalizedEntityService to the ImportManager constructor, and assign it to the local
         variable I created above:

     ILocalizedEntityService localizedEntityService
      this._localizedEntityService = localizedEntityService;

inside ImportProductsFromXlsx(Stream stream) function  read property need to import with the Arabic language
from excel sheet
       // read from excel new property with different language

ImportProductsFromXlsx(Stream stream) {
                            case "ArName":
                                var arname = property.StringValue;
                                ArName = new LocalizedProperty();

                                ArName.LanguageId = 2;
                                ArName.LocaleKey = "Name";
                                ArName.LocaleKeyGroup = "Product";
                                ArName.LocaleValue = arname;
                            case "ArShortDescription":
                                var arshortdescription = property.StringValue;
                                ArShortDescription = new LocalizedProperty();

                                ArShortDescription.LanguageId = 2;
                                ArShortDescription.LocaleKey = "ShortDescription";
                                ArShortDescription.LocaleKeyGroup = "Product";
                                ArShortDescription.LocaleValue = arshortdescription;
                            case "ArFullDescription":
                                var arfulldescription = property.StringValue;
                                ArFullDescription = new LocalizedProperty();

                                ArFullDescription.LanguageId = 2;
                                ArFullDescription.LocaleKey = "FullDescription";
                                ArFullDescription.LocaleKeyGroup = "Product";
                                ArFullDescription.LocaleValue = arfulldescription;

then check if product new or not
inside  this if statement
if (isNew)
// insert new  product localized property in table localize

_localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.Name, ArName.LocaleValue,2);
                        _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.ShortDescription, ArShortDescription.LocaleValue,2);
                        _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.FullDescription, ArFullDescription.LocaleValue,2);        


// update product localized property in table localize
                         _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.Name, ArName.LocaleValue,2);
                        _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.ShortDescription,
                        _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(product, x => x.FullDescription,

can flow all editing here:
Am I on the right track? Did I miss anything?

Thanks for your help.