Upgrade of Nop 4.2 is very hard. Every plugin to be installed on Linux produce and error.
last error vas related to sendinblue Plugin, never installed before.
I receive an error during execution of below query:

SELECT TOP(1) [c].[Id], [c].[Active], [c].[AdminComment], [c].[AffiliateId], [c].[BillingAddress_Id], [c].[CannotLoginUntilDateUtc], [c].[CreatedOnUtc], [c].[CustomerGuid], [c].[Deleted], [c].[Email], [c].[EmailToRevalidate], [c].[FailedLoginAttempts], [c].[HasShoppingCartItems], [c].[IsSystemAccount], [c].[IsTaxExempt], [c].[LastActivityDateUtc], [c].[LastIpAddress], [c].[LastLoginDateUtc], [c].[RegisteredInStoreId], [c].[RequireReLogin], [c].[ShippingAddress_Id], [c].[SystemName], [c].[Username], [c].[VendorId]
FROM [Customer] AS [c]
WHERE [SystemName] = @__systemName_0
ORDER BY [c].[Id]

Checking on table SystemName is empty also in previous version 3.9.. which is the right value to be stored into Customer table?

Why is so diffcult all plugin: I had no any type of error during DB upgrade

Thanks in advance