This is just a though which I feel is very important. Looking around the forums it's evident that lot of people are concerned about the performance. One area is the number of queries to DB Server when rendering a page.

I just did a trace to load /all-products page. It has the category list on the left are and it loads 10 products.

In trace i see that 24 hits are going to the database. Out of that below query has 9 hits.

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [e].[Id], [e].[Active], [e].[DefaultTaxDisplayTypeId], [e].[EnablePasswordLifetime], [e].[FreeShipping], [e].[IsSystemRole], [e].[Name], [e].[OverrideTaxDisplayType], [e].[PurchasedWithProductId], [e].[SystemName], [e].[TaxExempt]
FROM [CustomerRole] AS [e]
WHERE [e].[Id] = @__get_Item_0',N'@__get_Item_0 int',@__get_Item_0=1

But the issue is same query changes by the last parameter (@__get_Item_0=1). So 3 queries to DB by changing last parameter.

At least in my case if we can optimize this to get the items (@__get_Item_0=1 ,@__get_Item_0=2 ,@__get_Item_0=3) in a single query; we can remove 5 queries to db (there are 6 queries as above). That means to load the /all-product page we can reduce 9 queries to 4!.

Shouldn't the NopCommerce team address this kind of performance issues as a priority? Otherwise I feel more and more people will look for other solutions.

Any thoughts?