nopCommerce 1.80 is coming in 8 days. Beta testers needed.

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13 years ago
Good news! nopCommerce 1.80 is coming in 8 days. Now we're testing the beta version. The latest beta version of nopCommerce is available on CodePlex site. Take it for a test drive and let us know what you think!

1. Download the latest version here.
2. Clear NopCommerceStore\ConnectionStrings.config file (leave <connectionStrings> and </connectionStrings>).
3. Install the package.
4. Execute SQL scripts located into "\NopCommerceStore\Documents" directory.
5. Start testing.
6. Leave your comments and suggestions into this topic.

Highlight features:
Phone order support (allow store owner to place an order via admin panel)
RMA (return management). Customers can submit return requests from your store
Display all applied tax rates (e.g. 7%, 15%) on shopping cart and order details pages (configurable - disabled by default)
The European Union Value Added Tax (EU VAT) support (Company VAT Number)
Partial refund support
Multiple email accounts (senders) support
Backorder support
Cross-sells support
'Customers Online' module
Use ASP.NET Chart control for reports
New discount requirement - 'Billing country is...'
New discount requirement - 'Shipping country is...'
New discount requirement – 'Applies if customer has previously spent x.xx amount'
New discount limitation - 'N Times Only'
New discount limitation - 'N Times Per Customer'
CCAvenue (India) payment method
Physical gift card support (customer is not asked for sender/recipient emails)

Performance optimization
Source code refactoring
Added an 'Estimate shipping' option on shopping cart page (can be disabled)
Allow store owner to view all existing shopping carts on a single page
Allow store owner to manage newsletter subscription list
Allow store owner to import subscriber list from CSV (tab-delimited) file (Line format: email_address<tab>is_active (e.g. [email protected]<tab>true))
Allow store owner to find customers by date of birth (ability to offer birthday gifts to customers)
Allow store owner to find orders by GUID (or part of GUID)
'Call for price' option
Enhanced 'Fixed rate' tax provider. Now a store owner can configure fixed rate per tax category (should be reconfigured if this provider was active)
Allow store owner to limit shipping methods to configured ones (applied to 'Shipping By Order Total', 'Shipping By Order Weight' and 'Shipping By Country & Order Weight' shipping rate computation providers)
More user friendly sitemap page
PDF. Packaging slips and invoices include the shipping method now
Blog. Added tag support.
Blog. Group posts by year/month.
Blog. Moved blog page URLs to SEOHelper.
Forums. Advanced search support
Topics. 'Include in sitemap' option
Topics. Allow store owner to create password protected pages
Topics. Added 'Topic URL' on topic details page (admin area)
Admin area. Added 'Affiliate URL' tooltip on affiliate details page
Pass product names to PayPal Standard (configurable - disabled by default)
Forums. Added the following message template tokens %Forums.PostAuthor%, %Forums.PostBody%
Forums. Latest forum posts paging support on profile page
Display detailed payment info (supports capture/refund/void/recurring payments) for each payment method
Configurable minimum order amount
Display product SKU in public store (configurable)
Option to display the quantity of a particular product which is in stock
New checkout/product attribute control type – DatePicker
Allow users to manage their forum subscriptions
Ensure that gift cards could not be applied for recurring orders
More user friendly order details page (public store)
Localized some of hard-coded locale resources
Allow store owner to enter product prices more than 999,999
Disabled viewstate on some of user controls (reduced page size)
'Order to subtotal' discounts are applied to order total now ( + renamed to 'Order to total')
Allow store owner to submit Froogle feed via FTP
Added Preview buttons on category/manufacturer/product pages
Added 'select all' checkbox on private message details page (Inbox)
Added 'select all' checkbox on 'add product to category', 'add product to manufacturer', 'related products' pages
Allow store owner to select preferred exchange rate provider
Allow store owner to enable currency rate auto updating (disabled by default)
Improved SMS implementation
Added email SMS provider (Verizon)
More user friendly 'Tax Settings'page (admin area)
More user-friendly 'Global Settings' page (new 'Products' tab, changed some options ordering)
Allow store owner to search product variants by SKU
Moved Google Analytics settings to Global Settings page
Option to remove favicon ('Global settings' page)
Option to support non-western chars in SEO names (e.g. convert 'é' to 'e')
Ensure that gift card activation/deactivation order status and reward points awarded/canceled order status could not be set to Pending
Option to enable/disable a 'Newsletter' form field on registration/my account pages
Admin area. Allow store owner to hide newsletter subscription box
New 'Display cart after adding product' option
Option to show/hide 'My Downloadable Products' tab on My Account page
Allow store owner to disable URL ReWriting
Option to remove of hide the Gift card / Discount options
Minor poll changes
Admin area. New blog/news comments, product reviews pages
Allow store owner to update CC for manual payment method
Admin area. Enhanced categories page by 'Published' and 'Display Order'
Admin area. Display payment details on order details page (transaction identifiers)
Better jQuery binding (header)
Added CVV2 validator for Credit Card payments (3-4 digits)
Display manufacturer info on product details page
Admin area. Minor product details page ('Product Variants' tab) changes (don't display stock when manage stock option is set 'Don't track inventory' or 'Track inventory by product attributes')
Minor SEOHelper changes
Registered customers can click on their own email/username to access 'My Account' page
Simplified ProductBox1.ascx and ProductBox2.ascx controls
Product prices were displayed without discount in ProductBox1.ascx and ProductBox2.ascx controls
Admin area. More user friendly paging on the following admin area pages: Activity Log, Categories, Customers, Locale string resources, Log, Manufacturers, Message queue, Products, Settings
Removed Nop_ProductType table because it was not used
Moved DatePicker control to Nop.Controls assembly
More user friendly range error messages
Added Target='_blank' to 'View address on Google Maps' hyperlink (admin area - order details page)
Changed request validation mode on Login.aspx and Register.aspx pages
Modified category 'Products in Lines 1' control to display subcategories with images
Product with 'customer enters prices'. Allow customer to enter decimal prices.
Changed tab ordering on customer details page (admin area)
Minor DecimalTextBox enhancements (new decimal format used)
Changed admin area tooltip wrapping

Issue fixed. Gift cards were not created on recurring orders except the first one
Increased zip code maximum length to 30 chars
USPS minor issue fixed (international requests)
Shopping cart page and terms of services issue fixed
'New products' issue fixed
'Related products' issue fixed
Copy product issue fixed (product attribute combinations)
Topic control minor bug fixed (rendered empty meta keywords and meta description)
Total forum post count wasn't updated after deleting a forum post
Deleting the first post of forum topic caused an exception
Formatting too long customer name issue fixed (configurable maximum length)
Zip code was not passed to PayPal Standard
Fixed issue with nested quotes on forum
Export to Excel. Not all of long description was exported (200 chars maximum)
Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged, Nop_ProductAlsoPurchasedLoadByProductID stored procedures small issue fixed
Too long Order.CardName issue fixed (caused decryption error)
Minor issue in ShoppingCartManager.GetShoppingCartItemWarnings method fixed
Added no-wrap style to the header menu
LocalizationManager.DefaultAdminLanguage minor issue fixed + SSL issue fixed
Fixed some typos (order editing tooltips)
13 years ago
Whow...good news...I'll try. No upload field attribute?
13 years ago
biapar wrote:
No upload field attribute?

No, it'll be added in the further releases
13 years ago
Looks good. The community is not that big (but I expect it to grow) and still that many new features. You have been busy :)

You are sending a newsletter email to all accounts. Is this standard functionallity of Nop or are you exporting emailaddresses and send email by ...
13 years ago
ajhvdb wrote:
You are sending a newsletter email to all accounts. Is this standard functionallity of Nop or are you exporting emailaddresses and send email by ...

Go to Admin Area > Promotions > Campaigns and click 'Export emails to CSV'. And you'll get a list of all emails subscribed to newsletters
13 years ago
Thx for the quick support. Already voted +1
13 years ago
Did you get the time to optimize the one page checkout with ajax
13 years ago
malkavianster wrote:
Did you get the time to optimize the one page checkout with ajax

Unfortunately this feature will not be implemented in 1.80
13 years ago
Great !

I'll Start testing right now !
13 years ago

Will there be a new users guide available for the release? Also, do you get a break on the price of the new guide if you just purchased the 1.7 version yesterday? :)

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