Please remove <b> tags from ProductCategoryBreadcrumb.ascx

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14 years ago
The breadcrumb control is extremely handy and a great feature.

However, version 1.4 has <b> bold tags in the ProductCategroyBreadcrumb.ascx control. This means that turning off the bold font-weight in the .breadcrumb style of modules.css does not have an effect. Would it be possible for you to remove the <b> tags for future releases so that the styles for the breadcrumbs will be handled through css without having to modify the ascx control?

14 years ago
If making this change, <b> tags should also be removed ProductsInGrid.ascx and ProductsInLines1.ascx.
14 years ago
Thanks for suggestions!
14 years ago
I would like to see more robust xhtml integration in the project. From my point of view, items are not correctly rendered and as a result from that, skinning will be hard.
For example, the breadcrums should be setup as a list:

<div class="breadcrumb">
            <a href='<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx")%>'>
        <asp:Repeater ID="rptrCategoryBreadcrumb" runat="server">
                    <a href='<%#SEOHelper.GetCategoryURL(Convert.ToInt32(Eval("CategoryID"))) %>'>
                        <%#Server.HtmlEncode(Eval("Name").ToString()) %>
        <li><asp:Literal ID="litProduct" runat="server" /></li>

I've removed the last Hyperlink because you're on the page allready, so this is just a Literal.
Having this rendered as a list, makes the trail highly customizable.

Code from above could be rendered as this example
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