Hello all,
I have two questions and any help on either will be greatly appreciated.

I want to create a cart for a flowershop. I have an entire digital catalog of several hundred flower products. This catalog only has the images and product codes are part of the filename. With nopcom, can I batch add all of the products and then go back and add prices, categories, decriptions, etc?

I also want to know if there are any reasons that I SHOULDN'T go with nopcom over Zen-cart or some of the other free ecommerce solutions? Wikipedia has a comparison chart that actually led me here in the first place, but I till feel the need to ask.

My needs for either solution are:
-the ability to provide a customer access to a large library of products
-the ability to adjust pricing, and descriptions easily
-the ability to add multiple images for each product
-the ability to group products by category, price, color, style, etc

Any suggestions?