Dear users,

New NopCommerce version 3.30 change grid rendering with Kendo scripts.
With this new version, some users experiment some problem with empty plugin list.
Problem is because resource value for column title are entered with quote character.

Two solutions:
1- Check resource value entered for each column title and remove quoted characters
2- Change source code to avoid this negative effect

open Nop.Web.Framework.ViewEngines.Razor.WebViewPage

Change Localizer function with this code sample and compile:

public Localizer T
                if (_localizer == null)
                    //null localizer
                    //_localizer = (format, args) => new LocalizedString((args == null || args.Length == 0) ? format : string.Format(format, args));

                    //default localizer

                    // Correction pour l'affichage du javascript
                    _localizer = (format, args) =>
                                         var resFormat = _localizationService.GetResource(format);
                                         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resFormat))
                                             return new LocalizedString(format.Replace("'", "\""));
                                             new LocalizedString((args == null || args.Length == 0)
                                                                     ? resFormat.Replace("'", "\"")
                                                                     : string.Format(resFormat.Replace("'", "\""), args));
                return _localizer;