
I have been updating some of the Message Templates and tried to add the configured logo to the some of the MessageTemplates and I found a need to add this as a new Store token.

To add this new token I only need to edit the MessageTokenProvider.cs with the following changes:

In the "Fields" region add the PictureService
private readonly IPictureService _pictureService;

In the constructor add the PictureService in the parameter list

IPictureService pictureService

and in the constructor body add this

this._pictureService = pictureService;  

Now in the AddStoreTokens method add this

tokens.Add(new Token("Store.LogoUrl", _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(_storeInformationSettings.LogoPictureId, showDefaultPicture: true)));

And in the GetListOfCampaignAllowedTokens and GetListOfAllowedTokens add the new token


to the allowedToken list.

Now You can use the %Store.LogoUrl% token in Your message templates.

Objecta Data