Submit all data Row in Table

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4 years ago
In renderCustomButton I want submit all data row to action but the object's properties always comes null
except the Id, and when decorate the action as [httppost], button click never find the action and goes the "page not found"
4 years ago
When you render a custom button, you can write a function which returns a button with onclick function. in that function you can make a ajax call. Suppose you want the id and name from a data table.

function renderEditButton(data, type, row, meta) 
var result = "<button onclick = callEdit('"+ data + "','" + row.Name + "') class='btn btn-default'><i class='fa fa-pencil'>Edit</button>";

return result;

here 'data' is your 'id' and row.'Name' is the Name property of your model in the data Table.

After getting the value you just need to make a ajax call. If you need you can take the example from AllSettings.cshtml page( "Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Views\Setting" ).

hope it will help you.Thanks.
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