Find bugs in nopCommerce 4.30 BETA and earn $10

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4 years ago
FlameX wrote:
Unable to upload pictures in the backoffice, the upload a file button is missing in all pages(Product/Category/Manufacturer etc.), we have tried in both Firefox and Chrome

I have the same issue, no picture upload in all the admin area.  Could you find the cause?
4 years ago
libor wrote:
Unable to upload pictures in the backoffice, the upload a file button is missing in all pages(Product/Category/Manufacturer etc.), we have tried in both Firefox and Chrome

I have the same issue, no picture upload in all the admin area.  Could you find the cause?

This is already fixed. Please check with latest source code.
4 years ago
Typo in  \Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Shipping.UPS\Services\UPSService.cs
'error' should be 'saturdayError':

//get rates for saturday delivery
if (_upsSettings.SaturdayDeliveryEnabled)
    var (saturdayShippingOptions, saturdayError) = GetShippingOptions(shippingOptionRequest, true);
    foreach (var shippingOption in saturdayShippingOptions)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))

(and 'saturday' in the comments should be init capped = Saturday ;)
4 years ago
New York wrote:
Typo in  \Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Shipping.UPS\Services\UPSService.cs

Thanks a lot for reporting. We'll fix it soon -
4 years ago
New York wrote:
Typo in  \Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Shipping.UPS\Services\UPSService.cs
'error' should be 'saturdayError':

//get rates for saturday delivery
if (_upsSettings.SaturdayDeliveryEnabled)
    var (saturdayShippingOptions, saturdayError) = GetShippingOptions(shippingOptionRequest, true);
    foreach (var shippingOption in saturdayShippingOptions)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))

(and 'saturday' in the comments should be init capped = Saturday ;)

Done. You can see changes here.
3 years ago
Stored Procedure - ProductLoadAllPaged is missing default sorting.
If sorting products by Position on any category page the result is returned order by product.Id and not order by product.DisplayOrder... did not look into MySql...

ELSE IF @OrderBy = 0 /* default sorting, 0 (position) */
    SET @sql_orderby = ' p.[DisplayOrder] ASC'
3 years ago
Nop.Services.Catalog.CategoryService - GetProductCategoriesByCategoryId
Should it not be
var query = from pc in _productCategoryRepository.Table
                        join p in _productRepository.Table on pc.ProductId equals p.Id
                        where pc.CategoryId == categoryId &&
                              !p.Deleted &&
                              (showHidden || p.Published)
                        orderby p.DisplayOrder
                        select pc;

instead of

var query = from pc in _productCategoryRepository.Table
                        join p in _productRepository.Table on pc.ProductId equals p.Id
                        where pc.CategoryId == categoryId &&
                              !p.Deleted &&
                              (showHidden || p.Published)
                        orderby pc.Id, pc.DisplayOrder
                        select pc;

in order to display products on /Admin/Category/Edit/ as intended?
3 years ago
mcselasvegas wrote:
Nop.Services.Catalog.CategoryService - GetProductCategoriesByCategoryId
instead of
                        orderby pc.Id, pc.DisplayOrder
                        select pc;

Where are you seeing
  orderby pc.Id, pc.DisplayOrder

I see
  orderby pc.DisplayOrder, pc.Id

on line 556 in repo
3 years ago
I was probably playing around with the source and ended up posting my code instead the repository... but it does not matter... it needs to order the product not the category....
3 years ago
never mind my posts above... I was looking at the Product.DisplayOrder and not the Product_Category_Mapping.DisplayOrder
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