Thumbnail questions

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13 years ago
Question 1
I use 100 px as thumbnail size for the image shown in the category overview, where all products in a certain category are shown. But there is a small issue I have with this. When I use a picture where the height is lower then the width, a thumbnail is created where the height is smaller than this 100 px. And the entire object 'product-grid item-box' is lower or higher than the others, which is rather ugly in my opinion.

Is it possible for Nop to create thumbnails where height is always the dimension set and doesnt care so much for width?

Question 2
The extra pictures uploaded are show in the product-details-info .overview, but I rather have them underneath the main picture. What code in productinfo.aspx do I need to move?
13 years ago
in oneVariant.ascx or productInfo.ascx


            <asp:ListView ID="lvProductPictures" runat="server" GroupItemCount="3">
                    <table style="margin-top: 10px;">
                        <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="groupPlaceHolder"></asp:PlaceHolder>
                        <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="itemPlaceHolder"></asp:PlaceHolder>
                    <td align="left">
                        <a href="<%#this.PictureService.GetPictureUrl((Picture)Container.DataItem)%>" rel="lightbox-p"
                            title="<%= lProductName.Text%>">
                            <img src="<%#this.PictureService.GetPictureUrl((Picture)Container.DataItem, 70)%>" alt="Product image" /></a>

you might want to put it inside it's own
<div class="picture">

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