I have created Topic pages and a menu which breaks down the manufacturers into one (1) page per letter of the alphabet.

Currently, when you click on any one of the Manufacturer "View All" links it brings up the following page on the website (in my case): http://bfsradiocontrol.com/manufacturer/all/.

What I'm looking to do is to have that link retrieve the first page in my new manufacturer pages (http://bfsradiocontrol.com/manufacturers-numbers), but I'm not having luck finding where that information is stored.

I have found the following:

<div class="view-all">
      <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ManufacturerList")">@T("Manufacturers.ViewAll")</a>

located in the /Views/Shared/Components/ManufacturerNavigation/default.cshtml file, but I have no idea how to find the value of "ManufacturerList".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.